Taking Back Your Health – By Jamie Logie
We live in a society that is overfed and undernourished. When it comes down to the state of health of the average person being unaware of the many nutrition issues is what’s causing the real damage.
The sooner you can learn about nutrition and how it affects your life the sooner you will be able to apply what you know into making the best nutrition decisions no matter what the situation.
The decisions you make with your nutrition determine your ability to lose weight, feel better and improve your health.
I’m sure you can picture yourself standing in a food aisle feeling lost and not having any idea where to start with what you plan to eat.
? What should I be eating?
? What should I not be eating?
? Should I avoid gluten?
? Why are the Kardashians still a thing?
O.K, I can’t help you with that last one BUT to quote a great little show from the 1980’s; Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have the better you are set up for making the best nutrition decisions that will impact your health.
With Taking Back Your Health the goal here is to get you up to speed with all the nutrition issues and topics that you will face. This book will teach you:
? If the paleo diet is all it’s cracked up to be
? Should you really be avoiding gluten and wheat
? The dangers of artificial sweeteners
? Why you need to drastically reduce sugar
? The importance of sleep when it comes to your health
? How to feel fuller without overeating
? Why fiber is for more than keeping your regular
? Dangers of neglecting water intake
? + bonus chapters on why you need to exercise and how to choose the right gym
It’s not your fault, we have all been fed a lot of terrible information and a majority of the “food recommendations” we get have more to do with giant corporation and agencies bottom line than it does with your health.
Taking Back Your Health will allow you to do just that; take it back. Take it back from companies trying to shove manufactured and process garbage down our throats. Take it back from really bad science that got us into our current state with outdated mindsets.
Armed with knowledge you won’t have to worry about what the best choices are when you are grocery shopping or what the ideal choice will be when you find yourself staring at a menu.
What People On Amazon Have To Say (None Of Them Being My Mom…)
“A great explanation on the correct way to eat in a world full of junk! Instead of buying a book on the new fad diet, read this book and eat the way that we were intended. Not only will you see a decrease in your weight, but you’ll see an increase in your health.”
-Leah Bell
” Everyday it seems we get bombarded with information concerning what we should eat or not eat, medications we should take or not take etc; it can be so confusing. As someone with a type 2 diabetic diagnosis, I am always trying to find what the best information is for me. This book is not specific to diabetics, BUT it is a concise book of knowledge that will help anyone, including diabetics, who want to have a foundational understanding of what “taking back your health” includes.”

About The Author
So who’s behind this?
Thanks for asking! I’m Jamie Logie, a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition and wellness specialist and Jenga master…I’ve worked in fitness and nutrition for years and have had the opportunity to work with every range of person you can imagine from kids to seniors to pro athletes and everything in between. I have had the chance to travel a lot of the world and have seen first hand the damage that can come from following a modern diet.
I live in London, Ontario, Canada (the town Justin Bieber was born but don’t hold that against me..) and I run regainedwellness.com and The Regained Wellness Podcast.
Complete Digital Edition

- The book Taking Back Your Health in ePub and Mobi formats
- The audio book recorded by yours truly in a professional studio (listen while you drive, at the gym, bungee jumping..wherever you want!)
- The Jump Start Nutrition Program: A guide that includes a short term nutrition program centered around cleansing and detoxifying with real, whole foods. The guide includes:
- A breakdown of the best cleansing/detoxifying foods
- what you want to avoid
- recipes for the 3 day program including multiple options for each meal
- breakfast,lunch, dinner and snacks
- shopping lists
Free Bonus #1- The Strategic Grocery Shopping Guide
Free Bonus #2- Real Food Recipes
e-book and audio book

- The e-book Taking Back Your Health
- ePub and Mobi formats.
- The Audio Book (still read by me, Tom Hanks wasn’t available…)
Free Bonus #1- The Strategic Grocery Shopping Guide
Free Bonus #2- Real Food Recipes
The Digital Edition
The Budget Option But Still Awesome!
You Will Get The E-Book In The Different Formats. I Don’t Want To Undervalue The Book On Its Own At All, As It Will Be What You Can Continually Refer Back To For Years To Come.
There Is A Ton Of Great Information That Went Into This And It’s The Culmination Of Months Of Writing And Research Into All The Topics That Are Relevant To Your Optimal Health.
- Free Bonus- Real Food Recipes to get you up and running!
Choose a package
- The Book In PDF
- ePub & Mobi formats for Kindle
- Free Bonus- Real Food Recipes

The E-Book and Audio Book
- The book in PDF, ePub, and Mobi formats
- The audio book
- Free Bonus #1- The Strategic Grocery Shopping Guide
- Free Bonus #2- Real Food Recipes

The complete digital package
- The book in PDF, ePub, and Mobi formats
- The Audio Book
- The Jump Start Nutrition Program
- Free Bonus #1- The Strategic Grocery Shopping Guide
- Free Bonus #2- Real Food Recipes