Author: Regained Wellness

The Regained Wellness team are qualified fitness writers who are dedicated to providing support and information to our readers. We have a number of vetted writers who produce articles on topics such as fitness, health, and diet. We are constantly updating this site with new articles about all things related to fitness. We provide content that we hope will help you live a healthier life so that you can achieve your wellness goals.

Sit up bench exercises are extremely effective if you want to work on your abdominal muscles. As it is done in a declined position, your ab muscles get worked harder. Band weighted sit-ups are just the difficult version of the mentioned abdominal movement. The band is an extra addition that helps to provide stimuli to the core while you are training. The result is increased abdominal strength and more muscular abs. How To Do Band Weighted Sit-Ups To start the exercise, strap the bands around the base of the bench. The strap needs to be wrapped in such a…

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Working on the core muscles is something that we all struggle with. Many of us harbor the idea that we need to use heavy equipment or go to the gym to strengthen our core. That’s completely false. Because there are a lot of core strengthening exercises that you can do without any expert supervision or heavy equipment, among them, the ab draw leg slide exercise is rated highly among professionals and beginners alike. This article will break down everything you need to know to execute the ab draw leg slide without any hindrance flawlessly. How To Do Ab Draw Leg Slide: A…

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Running is a great activity. But it’s not for everyone. The constant pounding of the joints on hard surfaces can do a lot of potential damage to the knees, joints, and tendons. Running a treadmill can break up some of that impact as they often have a shock-absorbing system. But what if the running motion is still too difficult? This is where an elliptical comes into play. An elliptical machine mimics the motion of running but without the impact, making it easier on your joints. We have also learned more info about the dangers of inactivity, and sitting for extended periods…

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The overhead squat is a challenging exercise to perform, as it requires the development of mobility and stability in the shoulder joint, core, and hips on both the flexed and extended side. This challenging movement pattern will also improve your overhead mobility by strengthening your shoulders and surrounding structures that serve as “couches” for your arm. They also work to develop strength in and around the shoulder blades, which helps with stability and mobility of the shoulder joint, leading to less pain when moving and lifting. Compared with the traditional squat and the front squat the overhead squat has been shown to increase knee, ankle…

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The goblet squat is a great way to tone and build strength in the lower body. It also works the muscles in the hips and glutes, helps with mobility, and is a great way to introduce weight training into your exercise routine. The goblet squat strengthens the muscles of your upper back, shoulders, abdomen and legs. You can do it anywhere dumbbell or even just your bodyweight—you don’t need any other equipment! If you are new to working out at home or trying to take on a new routine at the gym, this might be just what you need. What…

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The Front Squat is a squat variation that mainly targets the quadriceps, glutes, and torso. For those who are looking for a more challenging variation of the squat with greater range of motion and difficulty, the Front Squat is an excellent choice. For starters, it’s a great exercise to perform if you have knee problems like cartilage damage or patella tendonitis. Because you’re not loading the back leg, there is no pressure on the knee joint of your “loaded” leg. The Front Squat also presents a good variation for people who are just learning the basic squat. By using the bar directly…

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The one-legged squat is an excellent lower body exercise that works many of the same muscles used in doing a two-legged squat. This includes the quadriceps and hamstrings, but it also uses your glutes and hip flexors since it requires a lot of flexibility in these areas. Compared to the regular squat, the one-legged squat is much easier to achieve full depth, and it requires more balance. This puts your glutes and hips to work, as well as stabilizing your body by making you use your core muscles. For those with mobility issues in their hips and knees, this exercise can…

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The squat is a great compound movement that works your quads, hamstrings, glutes, adductors and abs. It also strengthens the muscles in the lower back and spine. But there are many variations of squats, which makes it a high-intensity exercise that provides a wide range of muscle activation while developing balance and stability. known for its benefits on strength and muscle gain, the squat can be performed with dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells. In addition, just about every other exercise you do can be done with a squat variation. The purpose of this article is to introduce some of the most popular variations…

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The Goblet Squat is one of the most common and least complicated exercises you can do. It targets your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core muscles; it’s an efficient way to build strength and stability in your lower body. For a beginner, the goblet squat is a great way to start because you use a weight that’s really easy to handle and allow for a full range of motion. How To Do The Goblet Squat Place a dumbbell (or kettlebell) against your chest and hold it steady with both hands. You can choose the weight you want, but if you’re a…

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Treadmills are an excellent way to stay in shape while you work, and a lot of people have been purchasing these machines for home use. There are many treadmills on the market that offer great features and quality for a good price but it can be hard to make the best choice when there are so many options. A treadmill will be able to give you plenty of health benefits if used properly. It can help you to lose weight more easily and it is a lot easier to use than running outside. When you are on a treadmill, your…

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