Author: Regained Wellness

The Regained Wellness team are qualified fitness writers who are dedicated to providing support and information to our readers. We have a number of vetted writers who produce articles on topics such as fitness, health, and diet. We are constantly updating this site with new articles about all things related to fitness. We provide content that we hope will help you live a healthier life so that you can achieve your wellness goals.

The squat is the most basic, yet difficult movement to master. It can be done anywhere and requires only one simple piece of equipment: a solid squat rack that supports your back and enables you to place weight plates on it. The best budget squat racks are typically made primarily with metal bars attached to the wall so that you can safely load the barbell without any worries about safety or having enough room for a proper depth. The Squat Rack is the perfect solution for space-conscious individuals, gyms of all sizes, or even individuals who want to build linebacker-sized…

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Have you ever wondered how fast is the average person walks? You’re in luck. I’ll tell you how fast is the average person walks and things to consider when measuring walking speed. The average walk speed is the average distance covered when walking a certain distance over a period of time. The most common unit of measurement for average speed is miles per hour but it can be recorded in kilometers per hour or kilometers per second. Well, you’ve often wondered what the average walk speed is. So, we’ll tell you the answer. What Is Average Walk Speed? The average…

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Most of us try to follow the conventional wisdom regarding optimal workout plan design by splitting our workouts into different days for different body parts. At the start, it just seems easier to divide up our plan into separate sessions for different body parts and get them done one at a time. But over time, you will realize that different body parts respond better with different workout frequencies. This is particularly true if your primary goal centers on strength development. The case in point is of doing squats before deadlifts or vice versa. Let’s first look at these exercises individually.…

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Most people know that 10,000 steps per day is a good way to stay in shape. Whether you’re trying to burn some extra calories or just want to move around more, 10,000 steps is a number you can shoot for. Walking is a great supplement to any type of workout routine as it puts absolutely no strain on your joints. Nowadays, many fitness trackers come with activity trackers. You can easily track your steps. By using the step tracking apps, your fitness tracker, and your pedometer, you are likely to get more results from your daily workouts. But then again,…

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Lower back dumbbell exercises are very effective in strengthening the lower back. These exercises help improve posture and overall body strength. When you strengthen your back, it makes you less susceptible to injuries. A strong lower back is key to developing a strong core which is essential to any athletic endeavor. Lower back dumbbell exercises complement most upper body training programs. Here are 7 lower back dumbbell exercises: 1. Dumbbell Hyperextension Dumbbell hyperextension as a lower back exercise is often overlooked. This exercise not only strengthens your lower back muscles (erector spinae) but also other supporting muscles like the hamstrings,…

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Walking is a great way to get exercise and fresh air with minimal impact on your body. Start by gradually increasing your mileage so that you can build up your endurance. When you’re walking for leisure, enjoy the scenery and take your time. If you’re walking for fitness, aim to walk briskly and cover the 4 miles in less time. Regardless of your reason for walking, always be sure to start with a few warm-up stretches to avoid injuries. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your walk to stay hydrated, and be sure to dress appropriately for the…

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If you’ve been around the fitness industry for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard of sumo squats. Sumo squats are a great exercise to mix into your leg training routine, but they’re not exactly like regular squats. But what are sumo squats, and which muscles do they work? Sumo squats are a type of squat that is done with the feet farther apart than shoulder width and the toes pointed out. This exercise is often used to target the hips, glutes, and inner thighs. Which Muscles Do They Work? Sumo squats are an awesome exercise. But what do they…

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Hack squats are an amazing lower body exercise that work almost every muscle in your legs. Many people stick to plain old squats, but when you add this technique to your quad workouts you’ll be able to maximize your leg development and strength. The hack squat is a compound or multijoint exercise that exercises several major muscle groups in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and, to a lesser extent the calves. Let’s look at these muscles in detail. Target Muscles The hack squat works your: QuadricepsHamstringsGlutealsCalves Hack squats are a type of weight training exercise that works…

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How long does it take to walk 10 miles? That depends on many factors. I suppose a lot of people could ask the same thing about any distance and it would be really challenging to answer that question. It all depends on how fast you walk, the terrain/obstacles, is it raining or snowing, and other things like that. For example, if you walked 10 miles in an hour that’s considered going pretty slow if you’re looking at what’s considered a good pace but since there’s no standard to compare to its just self-assessment. The length of your stride (and even…

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When it comes to squats, there are a lot of different training methods you can use. Some have their pros and cons, while others may also be more dangerous than they’re worth. This post aims to look at two specific types of workouts: barbell squats and hack squats. I will start by giving you a description of each type, followed by its benefits and downsides. Finally, I’ll give you a recommendation about which workout is more suitable for your fitness goals. Hack Squat The Hack squat is an exercise used to strengthen the muscles of the leg including quads, hamstrings…

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